Category: uncategorized

PalmOS Blazer-Friendly Browsing with GWT

Those of us who [still] have a PalmOS-based device and use its Blazer browser will probably know that Blazer may take some time to render complex pages, and the end result might not even be readable on a small screen. I recently found a solution to this problem that works...


Raising Money for Ivan - Please Help

Most of us often get donation solicitations in mail. When it’s for children, these solicitations often feature a story of one child who needs help. However, if one donates, the money always goes to the organization, not to this particular child. So you never know if that child got the...


Firefox 3 and Revoked SSL Certificates

Today I discovered that Firefox 3 will refuse to display a site over HTTPS if its SSL certificate is revoked. And even though I am not questioning merits of this decision, I still would have preferred to have this behavior configurable, either somewhere deep in Preferences or at least via...


Domestic Flying to Get More Cramped Than Ever

It’s started - AA will be charging for each bag you check in (via Today In The Sky). People will stop checking in their bags at first of course. So if you are boarding in group 3 or late in group 2, expect to find no room in overhead bins...


Snow Day - Working From Home

Big snowfall in Chicagoland today. I would like to praise all companies (mine included) who encourage workers not to come in to the office today and work from home instead, and who actually have infrastructure in place that allows workers to be as productive as they could be in the...


Medical Billing - Ultimate Fubaredness?

I certainly think yes. Medical billing as it exists today in the United States (or at least this is how I understand it) is a total mess. Let’s look at a hypothetical situation. John Doe has a PPO plan. He goes to a doctor and pays $20 co-pay. The doctor...


I'm mobile

I am writing this from my new Palm Centro sitting in Wynns casino in Las Vegas. Unlimited Internet at my fingertips while gambling - who would have thought it possible 10 years ago...


On Illegal Immigration

I am always impressed when I change my opinion on anything important under the influence of a book. It happened again today. I have been reading Hernando de Soto’s “The Mystery Of Capital” that I borrowed from our local library. In chapter 5 titled “The Missing Lessons of U.S. History”...


Blue Cross vs Condell

One of the biggest local hospitals in Lake County recently terminated its contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois insurance company, one of the biggest medical insurers in our state. Or the latter terminated its contract with the former. I don’t know exactly what happened there, nor do I...


Site Is Back Up

The site was down for roughly a week since we were hit with a series of severe thunderstorms and I’ve got several pieces of equipment fried. Everything has been restored and we should be back online now.


Pyccolo Toolkit

I started my own open source project on Sourceforge this week -


Not Everybody Is Outsourcing Manufacturing

I generally disagree with people who believe in protectionism and try to create restrictions on outsourcing in any shape or form. This topic is very interesting to me, and I will probably write more about it in the future. However, what prompted this post was a little story in WSJ...


Hello world!

Welcome to redesigned, my personal web site. Last time the site was online, I lived in totally different part of town, had another job (in fact, I changed more than one job between then and now), was single. But things changed - I am now happily married, we have...